Customer Service Short Course

Delivery Mode: Classroom (Face-to-Face I Hybrid)
Course Overview
This short course equips you with the knowledge and skills to service customers in a variety of settings. It is a highly versatile course that can be tailored to your customer service sector. It is also highly suitable for people looking to enter into customer-facing roles for the first time.
Units of Competency
BSBOPS304 Deliver and monitor a service to customers
BSBOPS305 Process customer complaints
$ 500.00 per participant
Duration: 8 days, 9am – 4pm
Mode: Classroom (Face-to-Face) I Hybrid
Accreditation and Employment Pathways
On successful completion of assessment requirements, the learner will be issued with a Statement of Attainment (SOA) for BSBOPS304 Deliver and monitor a service to customers & BSBOPS305 Process customer complaints.
This program is designed to improve customer service skills for a variety of industries where customer service excellence and dealing with customer complaints is a key part of business operations.
Entry Requirements/Pre-requisites
- Must complete an Upfront Assessment of Needs (UAN)
- All learners must provide their USI upon enrolment.
- All participants of the course must provide 100 points of identification with at least 1 for of photo identification.
Get Involved
If you have any questions, or would like to book your placement, please contact:
SYC Education and Training (08) 7325 4647 | [email protected]
SYC Head Office (08) 8405 8500 | 39-41 Dequetteville Terrace, Kent Town SA 5067
Target Audience:
Learning Outcomes:
Learning Methods:
Program Benefits:
Upcoming Workshops
There are currently no openings available for this course.