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SSDIS01007 Basic Skills for the Food Industry Skill Set 28/04/2025 – 08/05/2025

April 28 - May 8


Delivery Mode: Classroom (Face-to-Face   I   Simulated Environment)
Course Overview

This skillset provides you with a deep dive into the hospitality industry with skills in food hygiene, safe food handling, and food preparation. You will be involved in practical hands-on training to make a variety of dishes using food preparation equipment and cookery methods. You will also be supported with relevant employability skills to improve your opportunities to gain employment.
Units of Competency 

SITHCCC023 Use food preparation equipment        
SITHCCC027 Prepare dishes using basic methods of cookery                  
SITXFSA005 Use hygienic practices for food safety                 
SITXFSA006 Participate in safe food handling practices          
SITXWHS005 Participate in safe work practices

$50.00 participant contribution.
This course is Supported by the Government of South Australia. Participant Eligibility Criteria apply, visit www.skills.sa.gov.au for Participant Eligibility Criteria.

Duration: 2 weeks   I   4 days per week, 9am - 4pm 
Mode: Classroom (Face-to-Face)   I   Simulated Environment
Accreditation and Employment Pathways

On successful completion of all assessment requirements, the student will be issued with a Statement of Attainment (SOA) for SITHCCC023 Use food preparation equipment, SITHCCC027 Prepare dishes using basic methods of cookery, SITXFSA005 Use hygienic practices for food safety, SITXFSA006 Participate in safe food handling practices & SITXWHS005 Participate in safe work practices.

This skill set provides a pathway to work in organisations such as restaurants, hotels, motels, clubs, pubs, cafés, and coffee shops. This qualification allows for multiskilling and for specialisation in accommodation services, food and beverage and gaming.
Entry Requirements/Pre-requisites
  • Must complete an Upfront Assessment of Needs (UAN)
  • All learners must provide their USI upon enrolment.
  • All participants of the course must provide 100 points of identification with at least 1 for of photo identification.
Contact Us

SYC Education and Training (08) 7325 4647  |  [email protected]
SYC Head Office (08) 8405 8500 | 39-41 Dequetteville Terrace, Kent Town SA 5067



Upcoming Programs

Name Location Cost
SSDIS01007 Basic Skills for the Food Industry Skill Set 28/04/2025 - 08/05/2025 SYC - Marion $50.00


April 28
May 8
Event Category:


SYC – Marion
Marion Shopping Towers Level 8/297 Diagonal Road
OAKLANDS PARK, SA 5046 Australia